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October 6 - October 27, 2021

Wildhorse CARES Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Water Calculate My Water Footprint
    How does your view on water consumption change after completing this action?

    Courtney Mullis's avatar
    Courtney Mullis 10/18/2021 11:34 AM
    I knew that our water consumption was high, we live in an old house that we rent and we don't have a dishwasher. We are also required to keep out lawn green so we have to use a lot of water to keep it green during the summer...
    The average is 1,802/gallons per day
    Our household is 3,324/gallons per day

    Lots of room for improvement! 
    Energy Calculate the Carbon Footprint of my Household
    After you determined your carbon footprint, did you see what different choices you can make in order to reduce it?

    Courtney Mullis's avatar
    Courtney Mullis 10/11/2021 8:21 AM
    For a household of 2 we have a "low" carbon footprint of 3.21 Tons of CO2e/month (the average is 4.00 Tons) 
    -We can start eating less meat and having more vegetarian or vegan options.
    -Look into trading in our cars for hybrids (long-term goal)
    -Carpooling to work more: whether together or with other co-workers
    Simplicity Limit Social Media
    Social media can keep us connected with loved ones, make us laugh, and help us to learn new things. It can also take more time than we realize or intend to give. After doing this action for a few days, how do you feel? What do you notice?

    Courtney Mullis's avatar
    Courtney Mullis 10/08/2021 8:26 AM
    I set a screen time limit on my phone starts 8pm-8am and then it's also a good reminder to read during that time.
    Simplicity Less Screen Time
    What did you notice in implementing this challenge? Was it hard to choose other activities over screen time? How did you decide to spend your time?

    Courtney Mullis's avatar
    Courtney Mullis 10/08/2021 8:24 AM
    I replace screen time with reading a book, I like to read usually before bed because it relaxes me and the screen/TV lights don't keep me awake.
    Waste Learn About & Practice Sustainable Fashion
    How can you express your personality, creativity, and values in ways that don't require fast fashion or buying more clothes and accessories?

    Courtney Mullis's avatar
    Courtney Mullis 10/06/2021 3:51 PM
    There are ways that you can add to/to subtract from the garments that you currently own. You can learn to sew and take some fashion designing classes to learn how to turn current items into new items.
    I've been aware of fast fashion perils for awhile now so I try to be a conscious shopper already. I buy from ethical & sustainable brands and I ask myself if I really need something before buying it, or I borrow from a friend if I am looking to spice up my wardrobe.