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October 6 - October 27, 2021

Umatilla School District Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • vincent stefani's avatar
    vincent stefani 10/27/2021 5:18 PM
    Today is coming to an end, this challenge was very helpful!
    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Research Restorative Justice
    How can Restorative Justice help foster the well-being of both people and planet?

    vincent stefani's avatar
    vincent stefani 10/27/2021 5:17 PM
    Restorative justice, can probably help out in a lot of different cases. I like the idea behind it and would like to see it used more often.
    Waste Launch a Recycling Program
    How might thinking creatively help us address big systems problems differently?

    vincent stefani's avatar
    vincent stefani 10/27/2021 3:03 PM
    Thinking creatively is a good approach, it allows you to think outside the box. Not just thinking about a short term fix to a problem. 
    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Learn About Constructive Communication
    How can you, your loved ones, the community, and environment all benefit from constructive communication?

    vincent stefani's avatar
    vincent stefani 10/27/2021 2:59 PM
    Because constructive communication preserves a positive relationship between communicators while addressing problems.
    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Engage In Active Listening
    What was it like to actively listen to someone? How did both people and the conversation(s) benefit from active listening?

    vincent stefani's avatar
    vincent stefani 10/27/2021 2:56 PM
    I think its a good thing to do more often with others.  
    Transportation Improve a Bus Stop
    How can you advocate for transportation systems which minimize environmental impact while also meeting human needs?

    vincent stefani's avatar
    vincent stefani 10/27/2021 2:43 PM
    There's a bus stop about a block from my place, I will go pick up trash around that area. 
    Nature Organize a Course
    What would you like to discuss about nature, the environment, or sustainability with your family, friends, coworkers or classmates?

    vincent stefani's avatar
    vincent stefani 10/27/2021 7:43 AM
    I talk to my family about both of those, nature and environment and how it is important to take care of both of them. 
    Waste Advocate For More Food Packaging Options
    What concerns you the most about how we are affecting the planet? Consider both local and global actions.

    vincent stefani's avatar
    vincent stefani 10/27/2021 7:38 AM
    By far the most concerning would have to be air pollution. That would be both local and global. 
    Waste Research Local Waste Sites
    In what neighborhoods or areas of your region are landfills or other waste sites located? Which communities are most affected by these locations?

    vincent stefani's avatar
    vincent stefani 10/27/2021 7:28 AM
    There is a waste site within my town, A lot of the waste that is taken there is usually transported to other locations. I don't see it having an affected on the community.
    Transportation Work From Home
    It takes the average worker in the United States 26 minutes to travel to work. One way to fix long commutes would be to make cities more affordable. An even simpler option: promote the use of telework. How have you used technology to replace in-person meetings or work this year?

    vincent stefani's avatar
    vincent stefani 10/27/2021 7:24 AM
    For me this wouldn't be easy to achieve. During the last year there has been a lot more zoom calls. Such as doctors appointments, work meetings, and online schooling. Keeping these options will be beneficial.