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October 6 - October 27, 2021

CES Team - Concerned Environmental Stewards Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Health Know My Health
    How do you deal with the physical and emotional stress of the big problems we face? How can you help others cope?

    Christina Englehart's avatar
    Christina Englehart 10/18/2021 4:38 AM
    I do a lot of journaling and mediation. It helps me stay focused on what I can control and what I cant. I help others to cope by not only offering those suggestions, but by being an active listener and someone that they can trust to lean on.
    Waste Personal Waste Audit
    Why is it often difficult to understand the impacts our purchases and waste have on other people, animals, and places?

    Christina Englehart's avatar
    Christina Englehart 10/14/2021 9:48 AM
    I believe that most people are just not in touch with what they buy or throw away.  There isn't enough being done to bring it to the attention of people to see the landfills overflowing with wasted products, food, appliances, computers, furniture, clothes. I think it becomes difficult to imagine the footprint you are leaving unless you are made to account for it each and every day. When I did my audit and saw just how much was being thrown away and not used, it has made me buy wiser.  Our society has become one of instant gratification and a disposable generation. Most of what's made is often just thrown away and a new product bought even if the old product is fixable. we always want what's new and of the latest technology, ignoring the still usefulness of a product we already have that could be fixed. I am teaching my daughter that lesson now as her washer broke and legit she kept fixing it until there just was no way to fix it any more (kuddos to her) but then she turned around buying a  brand new set (washer and dryer) even though her dryer was fine. The old dryer still worked, but now sits at a dump somewhere. Her justification, it was a good deal and the dryer would eventually need replacing anyway. 
    Food Buy From a Farmers Market
    What is one food choice that you make, or could make, that would do more good and less harm?

    Christina Englehart's avatar
    Christina Englehart 10/14/2021 9:30 AM
    Eliminating processed foods from my diet which would improve my health as well as  good for the environment by reducing greenhouse gasses.  Buying organic fresh produce whenever possible!
    Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community Support Native Communities
    Indigenous speaker and activist Winona LaDuke says that, "most indigenous ceremonies, if you look to their essence, are about the restoration of balance — they are a reaffirmation of our relationship to creation. That is our intent: to restore, and then to retain balance and honor our part in creation." Why is balance important to sustainability?

    Christina Englehart's avatar
    Christina Englehart 10/14/2021 9:27 AM
    Balance is important for the environment to be protected, for the economy to thrive and our quality of life itself improved.
    Food Plant an Herb Garden
    Consider the ways you can garden: a plot of land? a patio container? hanging basket? windowsill gardens? What would work best for your living situation and lifestyle?

    Christina Englehart's avatar
    Christina Englehart 10/11/2021 5:40 AM
    I decided on a window sill garden as my yard is not large enough for a garden and it is easier to maintain at my windowsill.
    Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community Research Voter Suppression
    What are the ways in which voters are prohibited from or discouraged from voting in your region and/or state? What could be done to get rid of these barriers?

    Christina Englehart's avatar
    Christina Englehart 10/11/2021 5:39 AM
    The only discouragement i could really find was not enough drop boxes for ballots or early voting centers in historically disenfranchised communities where there was questions around them being accessible by public transportation and being placed in areas of dense concentration.  A study would need to be done to determine where the best locations for those boxes and voting centers would be. They should be proportionate  to the population (Baltimore City literally only had one drop box set up)
    Health Take Control
    How do environmental health, community health, and your personal health intersect?

    Christina Englehart's avatar
    Christina Englehart 10/08/2021 6:46 AM
    Environmental pollutants cause health issues such as heart disease, cancer and respiratory issues and strains our medical system and hospitals. An unhealthy environment affects the community and each person in it. I live in a community near industrial sites and have found that when i am home I suffer from more respiratory issues then when i have spent time away from home in the mountains where I am away from all of the pollutants. Talking with neighbors, i hear of many of the same issues, so I know i am not alone or just "imagining" it. 
    Food Try a New Way to Prep
    Canning and pickling food is a great way to have delicious summer fruits and vegetables all year round. Just make sure to follow the canning and pickling guidelines from the USDA or another trusted source. What are some foods that you would like to preserve and enjoy later in the year?

    Christina Englehart's avatar
    Christina Englehart 10/08/2021 6:35 AM
    Looking forward to doing apples, tomatoes and squash!
    Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community Learn About Local Environmental Justice Concerns
    Who is most affected by environmental degradation and/or environmental irresponsiblity in your community? How are they affected?

    Christina Englehart's avatar
    Christina Englehart 10/08/2021 6:30 AM
    People of color are most affected by environmental degradation and environmental irresponsibility and are often the targets of large corporations who are only interested at profits vs the health and well being of those targeted groups.  I found that 3 out of 5 African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans live near toxic waste sites and that 79 percent of African Americans are more likely to live where industrial pollution is the suspected cause of  harmful health effects.
    Waste Go Paperless
    Reducing your paper mail can reduce mental clutter as well as physical waste -- by reducing what is coming in, you can reduce what is going into the recycling bin too. How does it make you feel? What is the next step you will take to reduce your waste?

    Christina Englehart's avatar
    Christina Englehart 10/08/2021 6:21 AM
      I am really looking forward to getting less mail in my mailbox (especially all those Christmas catalogs ) that usually go from my mail box direct to the recycle bin without even being looked at. As i receive the catalogs, I contact the businesses directly and asked that they not send future catalogs to my home.  I also opted out of prescreened credit card and insurance quotes and offers.  My next step is to address the non catalog items that i receive by opting that mail and looking for the phone numbers to call to opt out of receiving future mailings.